Asmany individuals who abuse cocaine often abuse other substances, we will be alert to any other substances in your system so that you can safely rid your body of these substances. We will be sure to explain each step of the detoxification process to you so that there are no surprises. We will also begin to address any medical complications of your cocaine abuse while you are in detox. Once you are stabilized and sober, we will help you transition to our center near Atlanta, Georgia.

cocaine addiction treatment

The ideal end result is to convince the person to enroll in a treatment program immediately. Serenity Lane offers individualized, effective, and innovative solutions for your clients, neighbors, colleagues, friends, acquaintances, and family members struggling with Cocaine dependency, and any other addiction. There are medications that some providers may prescribe during treatment for other problems or symptoms that come up during treatment. Most of us with addictions also tend to struggle with some other type of mental illness, so it is possible that medications may be prescribed to treat these co-occurring disorders. First, we know that cocaine works by using the dopamine puzzle in the brain and that it floods us with feel-good chemicals. Well, it turns out that cocaine can also impact the stress pathway in the brain.

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Drug Addiction

And, sadly, this addiction can be extremely difficult to overcome without help from a reputable addiction rehab center. Not everyone will need medication during their treatment, but some people are prescribed medication to help them manage withdrawal symptoms. Medications are also used to treat physical and mental conditions that might be contributing to drug use. A medical professional will conduct a thorough examination to determine what medications are right for you.

Compliance with the study medication can only be investigated in the experimental treatment conditions. Each of the three proposed medications is prescribed for a period of 12 weeks as an add-on to CBT in the experimental group. Topiramate is titrated within three weeks to a maximum oral dose of 200 mg/day, depending on the profile of adverse events observed. During the first treatment week, topiramate is prescribed on a daily basis at the treatment centre. In the remaining trial period, topiramate is dispensed to the patient once a week, i.e. with take-home doses for a maximum of seven days.

Other Cocaine Treatment and Recovery Options

If your loved one refuses to believe that he or she has a problem, Nova Recovery Center can help connect you with a professional interventionist who will assist you in planning a productive intervention for your loved one. We pair clients and interventionists based on individual circumstances and financial abilities. Cocaine addiction also affects family, taking a serious toll on siblings, children, cocaine addiction treatment spouses, friends and other loved ones. It is often referred to as a “family disease” because it not only affects the substance user but also everyone else in the family unit. In family situations involving addiction, spouses, children, parents, and siblings often take on unhealthy roles and develop harmful enabling behaviors that contribute to their loved one’s addictive behaviors.

cocaine addiction treatment